Horse Ownership is not for everyone. Only for the very dedicated and talented few.
80% of first-time horse owners are no longer horse owners after the 1st year.
After 1st year, another 70% will have sold that original horse.
More than 1/2 of owners did not understand the financial responsibility and time needed to train or what kind of horse they bought.
Many did not have horse and /or rider trained enough by the time of ownership to be able to communicate effectively as partners.
80% of first-time horse owners are no longer horse owners after the 1st year.
After 1st year, another 70% will have sold that original horse.
More than 1/2 of owners did not understand the financial responsibility and time needed to train or what kind of horse they bought.
Many did not have horse and /or rider trained enough by the time of ownership to be able to communicate effectively as partners.
Most Icelandics need intermediate riders when not completely trained but sold to beginners/novices then re-sold.
Young Icelandics look easy to train after seeing an older, trained one which is double the price to purchase. Moreover, the price of an untrained Icelandic is the same as a regular horse trained which is sometimes all someone budgeted. It is very tempting to buy an inexpensive Icelandic but also they are very unhappy in typical horse conditions. I have seen them physically sick if kept in stalls, not exercised enough, and not with other Icelandics. They thrive in acres of pastures with 1 or more Icelandics which is how they are raised in Iceland and not having a consistent job being ridden 3x a week. Most Icelandics can outsmart a beginner or novice rider. They are brave, opinionated, and bold. An Icelandic needs to be gait-trained to tolt unlike regular horses and needs some dressage training have good self carriage. Trainer tune-ups need to be made to maintain their performance if you are not an advanced rider. Instead, the unridden Icelandic is sold again. I speak from experience as I was one of those naive Icelandic horse owners. I know many more which I have tried to help. I invested a great deal of time, money, and effort to turn things around. I started Avondale Icelandics to share my finished Icelandics that are the right age, have right experience, and right amount of miles to be that Icelandic unicorn that you always dreamed about. Joining Us at Avondale Icelandics...a Better Option than Owning Horses need many trainer tune-ups, veterinarian check-ups, hay and vitamins, horse tack, and farrier visits during the year. A better option is being part of our riding program with monthly payments at the fraction of the price and risk of owning. Plus you do not have to ride alone as you learn to improve your riding skills with different horses. Work beyond your beginner skills, learn the trails and hazards, and then be ready to ride with ours before you own your very own. We do not encourage the purchase of your own horse as a next step of your horse love affair. It is only for very few. That is why Avondale Icelandics is a special place where you can have all the benefits like an owner with all the risk and cost. After you ride with us for 6-12 months to become a Novice not still a beginner-coming 2x a week for riding and horse care/groundwork lessons, understand and have financial means, and can provide a suitable home for a trained Icelandic with a 2nd horse or companion, etc. then we can help you find your very own with our trusted, proven network of breeders, brokers, trainers, transporters, etc. |
Things to consider before buying an Icelandic horse:
See me for details of these actual Icelandic Horse experiences.
- Can you provide for its UNIQUE NEEDS so an Icelandic is happy and healthy?
- Do you have TIME TO RIDE a pair of Icelandics 3x a week? -Do you have a trail LOCATION to ride an Icelandic? - Do you have the time and money to buy SPECIAL TACK? - Do you have OTHERS TO RIDE WITH an Icelandic? - Do you have the time and money to complete TRAINING? - Can you provide an Icelandic a FOREVER HOME? -Are you prepared to handle UNCAPPED VET BILLS costs? |
Unhappy Icelandics bolt and sicken if kept in stall/paddock with non-Icelandics. They thrive in large pastures with another Icelandic and being ridden 3x a week.
Icelandics have hundreds of miles of fields to run in Iceland. They need regular exercise in even pasture to keep them happy, fit, and consistently gaiting well. Many Icelandics despise going in arena circles or oval racetracks as they prefer trails. Some will bolt/buck/rear in an enclosed area if ridden for a few minutes. Icelandics need saddles that sit further back from their shoulder with gaited trees/center-fired rigging and yet be short enough to fit on a pony-sized horse. Icelandics can be challenging riding alone as they prefer to ride in a herd. Other horses are afraid of their big mane/tail, sound of the tolt, and riding nose to tail. Many planned to train themselves and have no money for a trainer. Icelandics can outsmart a novice. So they get leased out to an unsuspecting horse lessor. An Icelandic Horse lives well into their 30s as they are not full grown until 8. Are you prepared for a commitment of its care to the end of their long lives? Icelandics are a healthy breed but accidents or diseases can happen like any horse create bills in hundreds or personally even thousands for each horse. |
Comparison of Joining Us vs. Owning Yourself
Avondale Icelandics1st year of Icelandic Horse Purchase
= $0 but riding $15,000 finished horse and its tack No purchase of Icelandic Horse and Training = $0 Limited initial purchases for rider only- riding boots, helmet, pants, gloves, etc. = $200 On-Going Fixed Expense for Rider not Horse goes directly to Riding Only. (monthly fee) No Other Expenses No Boarding Fee No Hay Purchases and Shared Care/Feeding Included No Barn/Pasture Maintenance or Property Taxes Intangibles Happy Icelandics Living on Pasture in a Herd. Ridden, Handled, and Tuned Up on a Daily basis. Rider can go on vacation or have emergency. Horse is well cared for. |
Owning your own Icelandic in Redmond1st year of Icelandic Horse Purchase (Finished and Naturally Gaited)
= $14-19,000 Plus trailer shipping from Iceland to Redmond of $2,400 Initial purchase of Icelandic Horse and Training to Finish or Buy Finished= $14-19,000. Initial purchases for horse and rider including tack= $3,000. Icelandics thrive living in pairs so think in 2x. On-Going Annual Horse and Rider Expense Vet, Farrier, Tack, Supplies = $3,000-5,000 or more Option 1: Boarding ($10,000 = 7,800- $12,000 per year) ($650-$1,000) per month includes hay and care/feeding is included. No Barn/Pasture maintenance or property taxes. Option 2: Your own horse property in Redmond ($10,000 per year plus 7 hr/week to care and feed) Feeding Expenses- $1,500 per Icelandic. Barn/Pasture Maintenance- $3,000 Year 1 and $2,000 on-going Extra Tax for Horse Property Land-$5,000/yr |
Breakdown of horse ownership cost categories
Initial purchase of the Icelandic Horse and Training= $14-20+K Plus $1000 Pre-purchase Exam, Health Certificate and transportation fees to get back home 1)A trained fully grown with lots of miles and experience being best 12-14 yrs old is typically $14-$17,000 with $3,000- 3 month boarding/training/lessons for advanced beginner/novice to get settled in. More months needed if a beginner. 2)Almost grown, partially trained with some miles 7-10 yrs old= $8-11,000 with $6,000-6 months of gait training and basic dressage. For intermediate riders only as not emotionally mature until 12. 3)Not fully grown or rideable at 5. Green Broke for $5-8,000 with over $10,000 to do foundation and gait training and basic dressage. Partially rideable as horse is growing. Novice will sell or lease. Note: $1,000/month for blocks of 3 months training/boarding/lessons at an Icelandic Horse facility. Less miles and experience on the horse= More rider lessons and horse training. A non-gaited trainer is usually not able to do the gait training. It is more than looking at videos. Don't forget the vet check and the cost of transportation. Initial purchases for horse and rider= $3,000 $2,500-Tack- Saddle, pad, and bridle. Saddle is $2-$5K Leather. $700-$1K Synthetic. $300- Coat for horse- 1 Winter Coat and 1 Sheet for Fall/Spring and Summer Fly Sheet $200- Riding pants, boots, helmet, gloves winter and summer, half chaps, rain duster On-going Annual Horse Expense =$2,500-5,000K $1000-Vet- Can be $3,000+. Farm call-$100. Teeth= $300. Shots= $100 Sheath- $75 $350- $1,000 Farrier- per year- $50-$150 per visit per horse (7 times a year) $1,000 per year- (vitamins, wormer, salt block, snacks, fly spray, shampoo, detangler) $150- replace riding/horse clothing, tack, brushes, hoof picks, buckets, bowls, etc. Property Maintenance-$3K in 1st year and $1,600 annually
Gravel areas, fix fencing/gates, lighting, feeders, trough, mats, hose, racks, buckets Fence/Barn Repair-wood, vinyl, and electric, weeding, grass seed, gravel Grass Hay Cost- $1,000 an Icelandic at $150 for 10 months
Icelandics should not be fed alfalfa/grain and cannot always eat Orchard but may need Timothy Hay. On pasture- 2 months (May, June). July/August- too dry for grass to grow. On Hay -10 months of year. Icelandic eats 1.5% of 7-850 lbs= 11-13 lbs vs. a 1000-1200 horse eats 2.5%-4%= 25-50 lbs/day. Care and Feeding 8 hours a week- 1 hour each day (10 min feed 2x, 10x clean barn, 10 2x manure, 10 min body/safety check) and extra 30 min on weekends to fill water trough and clean pasture. 8 hr x 52 weeks. 365 days in all weather. $5,000 a year if at $12/hr value for your own barn labor. Optional Expenses to get the whole horse experience that we have here:
Truck and Trailer- $32,000 Oval Gravel Racetrack and walkways- $8,000 60' Covered Round Pen- $60,000 ground preparation, footing, installation, and solid arena walls. |